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- LHCATCH - make ArcShell work with LHarc 1.13xx
- ==============================================
- This package contains:
- ----------------------
- Version 2.0 of the LHCATCH program. See bottom of this text for new
- features.
- This text.
- To use LHCATCH you need:
- -----------------------
- by Charles F. Johnson. Current version 2.1b.
- version 1.13xx (optimised by Thomas Quester). Current version 1.1316.
- Why?
- ---
- I wrote this utility because I am a steady user of Charles F. Johnson's
- ArcShell (yes, I paid my shareware fee). The only problem with ArcShell is
- that it doesn't completely support LHarc archivers. You can't extract or
- create archives containing folders.
- At the moment there are several versions of LHarc for the ST. We have a
- version by Jon Webb (currently version 0.60), by Bill Shroka (currently
- version 1.02) and one by Thomas Quester.
- There also is a stand-alone LHarc, called FASTLZH by Gary Burke (currently
- version 2.0). All of these, except the first one, support archives with full
- path names.
- There is an unpacker, UNLZH by John Harris (version 1.72), which does a nice
- job (as long as the archive doesn't contain folders).
- And there is a program called SFX_LZH by Stefan Gross (now version 1.6) that
- transforms an *.LZH archive into a self-extracting program. You should be able
- to obtain these programs from the same source where you got this.
- Problem: they are not fully compatible with each other...
- To my opinion, the LHarc by Thomas Quester is the best choice. Archives
- created with this one can be extracted by all the others (which can't be said
- about those others...). It's compatible with LHarcs on MS-DOS and Macintosh
- machines. Furthermore, it supports subdirectories and it's the only one whose
- archives can be transformed *correctly* into self-extracting archives (using
- SFX_LZH.PRG). This is the one you should be using, and LHCATCH makes it
- possible to use it with ArcShell.
- How?
- ---
- So what does LHCATCH do? Like the name says, it catches the command line
- ARCSHELL sends to the archive program and, depending on what you want to do,
- it will ask additional questions, modify the command line and pass it on to
- our favorite LHarc.
- You will have to install LHCATCH2.PRG as the 'Alternate Archive Program' in
- the ArcShell configuration (where you normally would have your LHarc program
- installed). Read the ArcShell documentation if you're not sure how to do this.
- The first time you use the program it will search for LZH11316.TTP in the
- directory from which it was started. If it doesn't find it, you will be asked
- to point out where it is (it *must* be version 1.13xx by Quester, but the name
- can be anything). Next you will asked if you want to save the configuration.
- This will be saved within LHCATCH2.PRG itself. Don't rename the program and
- definitely don't use any packers on it. If the program is not in the current
- directory you will be asked to locate it. Now you're ready to go.
- You can use ArcShell like you're used to. If you work with an *.LZH file the
- command line ArcShell would normally send to LHarc is now going to LHCATCH. It
- modifies the command line and passes it on to the LHarc program you
- configured. If you want to extract an archive which contains folders, they
- will be created automatically. If you want to add (or move, update, freshen)
- files from a folder to an archive an alertbox will appear asking "Include path
- names?". The default is NO.
- If you want to change the configuration, just rename or remove the program you
- have configured. LHCATCH will ask for a new program the next time you use it.
- New?
- ---
- .....in LHCATCH version 2.0 (jan 1991):
- * Now works with the latest LHARC version 1.1316 (22/12/1990) (memory bug
- fixed).
- * If an archive contains folders they will be created automagically (no more
- Y/N prompts).
- * When you add (or move, update, freshen) files to an archive, LHCATCH will
- check if there are subdirectories (folders) within the directory you want to
- archive from. If so, you will be asked whether you want to 'search
- subdirectories'. The default is NO, because...
- - What's 'search subdirectories'?
- ... if you click YES, all files matching your specification in the current
- directory AND its subdirectories will be archived, with the directory
- structure. For example, if you choose to archive "A:\*.*" with this option
- enabled, ALL files and ALL files in ALL folders on drive A will be archived.
- If you click NO and you're archiving files from a folder you will get the
- regular "Include path names?" prompt.
- NOTE: Because of the memory required for ArcShell, LHCATCH and LHarc, running
- it on a 520ST might cause problems. You will get a warning when you're
- short on memory.
- This program is for the public domain and can be distributed freely with this
- text included.
- Problems, comments? Let me know.
- .----------------------------------------------------------------------.
- | Rob Vousten |
- | University of Nijmegen - Dept. of General Linguistics & Dialectology |
- | Erasmusplein 1 NL-6525 HT Nijmegen The Netherlands |
- | BITNET: U218008@HNYKUN11 INTERNET: U218008@hnykun11.urc.kun.nl |
- '----------------------------------------------------------------------'